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Reiki master Certification

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Reiki Master
Mentorship program





Image by Nico Frey
What is included
Monthly In-Person
Reiki Circles
Close up hands of Group of sporty happy people sitting on the gym floor in a circle togeth
Opportunity to Give Reiki at Group Events
Monthly Virtual
Group Mentorship Calls
Lifetime Access to the Alumni Group
Monthly Self-Healing Virtual Workshops
Access to the
Reiki Akasha
Group Meditation
2 Day Master Level
Live Immersion
Female therapist performing Reiki therapy treatment holding hands over woman's stomach. Al
Potential Internship & Job Opportunities
Image by Nico Frey
Why is this training different?

Reiki Master Teacher, Sara Mitteer has designed this program to be immersive and supportive of awakening the full potential of an energy healer. With most Reiki Master certification programs being weekend workshops, students are often left to explore the deepest layers of Reiki and energy medicine on their own. 


"Whoever travels without a guide needs two hundred years for a two-day journey." ~Rumi


Sara saw a gap missing on a Reiki student's path to becoming a true Reiki Master. A space for students to develop their intuition, discover their natural healing abilities & gifts, and receive ongoing guidance with hands-on, immersive practice.


This mentorship program is so much more than just a Reiki Training, it is a path of energetic expansion and deep spiritual connection. Whether you want to become a professional Reiki Master or feel a curious calling to the Reiki path, we would love to hold a healing space for you to learn & grow. If the idea of immersing yourself in a community of energy healers, living a spiritually connected life, and receiving loving, supportive guidance lights you up, this program is for you.

Image by Nico Frey

Monthly in-person
Reiki circles

A monthly healing space for Reiki Practitioners to connect, practice, and learn through facilitated immersion. Develop your intuitive abilities, connection to spirit, and deepen your relationship with channeling Reiki through guided practice. Hosted in person on the first Saturday of each month from 3:30-5:30pm.


Monthly Self-Healing Workshops

A monthly group virtual workshop to support the development of your spiritual connection and expansion of your personal relationship with Divine Consciousness and your guides & angels. Hosted on the second Thursday of each month from 5:30-6:45pm.



Participation in reiki of san diego workshops

Receive the opportunity to join Reiki of San Diego events to give Reiki in a group setting during sound baths, meditations, breathwork classes, and other healing events. Must have completed your Reiki Level II Certification.




Potential internship
& job opportunities

If you are interested in pursuing a professional path as a Reiki Master, you can apply for a paid internship to work with Reiki of San Diego clients and receive one-on-one coaching and mentorship to develop your private practice.




Monthly virtual
group Mentorship calls

A monthly group coaching call via Zoom to learn master level techniques, advanced level energy medicine curriculum, and hold space for Q&A. Mentorship calls are hosted on the third Thursday of every month from 6:00-7:30pm.



2 Day Master Level
Live Immersion

Join a small, intimate group for a

2 day live immersion to expand your knowledge and practice master level energy healing techniques, attend your Master Level Sacred Ceremony to receive your third degree Reiki attunement and complete your final assessment for Master Certification.


Access to reiki akasha

Access to the Reiki Akasha; the online database of mentorship calls, guided meditations, sound healing, hypnotherapy meditations & bonus educational content. New material is being added every month. The Alumni Group is an online platform for current and past students to stay connected to Reiki community.


Access to THE Alumni group

The Alumni Group is an online platform for current and past students to stay connected to Reiki community. Post your questions, intuitive insights, and spiritual musings in a safe space!





Reiki Master Certification Requirements:

12 Reiki Circles
12 Group Mentorship Calls
12 Self Reiki Workshops
40 Practicum Hours
Master Level 2-Day Live Immersion
Final Assessment

Image by Nico Frey

Karmic Contracts
Soul Contracts
Cord Cutting
5th, 6th & 7th Dimensions
22 Chakra System
Group Reiki Healing
Karmic Disconnections
Types of Qi
The Five Cardinal Functions of Qi
Akashic Records
Light Code Activations
Ancestral Karma
Past Lives & Reincarnation
Inner Child Healing
Spirit Animals
Aura Reading
Crystal Gridding
Sacred Geometry
Spells & Potions
Psychic Surgery
Reiki Ethics
5D Chakra Activations 
Master Level Energy Techniques

Please note that the curriculum may vary and is subject to change.

Register now

12 Month Mentorship Program
Open Year Round, Join Anytime
12 monthly payments
One Payment
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